School closes at 1pm on Friday 20th December 2024 for the school holidays and opens again to pupils on Monday 6th January 2025

Life Skills Primary

Life Skills Curriculum for Primary
At Swanwick School and Sports College we aim to prepare our pupils to become as independent as possible. Life Skills is an essential part of our curriculum and has been specifically designed to cater for the ever changing needs of our young people. Life Skills is delivered as three standalone lessons every week but also threaded throughout our curriculum on a daily basis.

The Primary Life Skills curriculum has been designed to incorporate essential Life Skills that are crucial in promoting independence for later life. Each objective has been carefully written to ensure age appropriate delivery is apparent irrelevant of their baseline. Objectives and strands will be delivered sensitively and through various methods and styles. Prior knowledge will be revisited and consolidated whilst stretching students understanding with an underpinning of independence and keeping safe.

Pupils are able to develop their skills and build their confidence in a supportive environment which can then lead onto more complex objectives in Key stage 3.

Time Management Primary:
  • I can tell the time o’clock
  • I can tell the time half past
  • I can tell the time a quarter to/ past
  • I can tell the all times – analogue clock face
  • I know about the different ways you can tell the time (watch, phone, clock etc)
  • I can tell the time – digital
  • I can tell you the days of the week
  • I can tell you the months of the year
  • I know the seasons
  • I know how many seconds are in a minute
  • I know how many hours are in a day
  • I can use/set an alarm clock
  • I can get to my lesson on time independently
  • I am beginning to know what I do at certain times of the day
  • I know what happens on which days of the week and what I did at the weekend
  • I can understand the concept of yesterday and tomorrow
  • I know about night and day
  • I know what a birthday is and when ‘mine’ is
  • I know which year it is and which year I was born in
  • I know about morning, afternoon, evening and night.

Money Primary:
  • I can identify all the different coins
  • I know which coin or note is worth the most
  • I know about pocket money
  • I can work out change from a £1.00
  • I know where to use money
  • I can begin to use money myself
  • I can prepare correct amounts of money for a item
  • I understand where money comes from and what it is for
  • I know how to keep money safe and why I need to do this.

Interpersonal Skills Primary:

  • I can ask for help
  • I know the number to ring in an emergency
  • I can recognise when I feel angry/upset/anxious
  • I can tell someone if I feel worried or upset
  • I can calm myself down
  • I can make a choice
  • I can give my opinions/ideas
  • I can listen to others
  • I can speak appropriately to others
  • I can allow others to have different views
  • I can move on from something that has upset me
  • I can let people speak without interrupting
  • I can tell how someone is feeling
  • I can use positive body language
  • I can tell if someone is giving me negative body language
  • I know how to take turns
  • I know what personal space is

Friendships and Relationships Primary:
  • I can build a basic friendship
  • I know what makes a good friend
  • I can sort things out if I have an argument
  • I know how to share
  • I know what bullying is
  • I know you can be bullied online
  • I know what to do if I am being bullied
  • I know the difference between friend and girlfriend/boyfriend
  • I know what behaviour is appropriate with my friend.
  • I know about stranger danger and how to keep myself safe
  • I am aware of CEOP
  • I know about basic reproduction
  • I understand the changes that happen to your body as you get older

Home Management, Cooking & Laundry Primary:
  • I can wash pots
  • I can follow simple instructions safely
  • I know how to put an apron on
  • I know how to wash my hands before cooking
  • I can dry pots
  • I can put pots away in the correct place
  • I can keep my bedroom tidy
  • I can pour a glass of juice / water
  • I can use a knife and fork
  • I can use a toaster safely
  • I can use a kettle safely
  • I can use a microwave safely
  • I know what a balanced diet is
  • I can make simple cold drinks
  • I can put my dirty clothes in laundry basket
  • I can hang my coat up

Travel Primary:
  • I know how to look right and left before I cross the road safely
  • I can identify where to cross a road safely
  • I can recognise dangers on the roads
  • I can recognise stranger danger
  • I walk sensibly on a pavement when next to the road
  • I can identify a bus stop
  • I can use a local bus with adult support
  • I can get on a train with adult support
  • I can sit safely in the minibus

Shopping Primary:
  • I can name shops where you can buy food
  • I can name shops where you buy clothes
  • I can name shops where you buy household items
  • I can choose and buy one item in a shop as directed
  • I can pack food items
  • I can ask for help from a shop assistant
  • I can pay for food items from a list
  • I can select the right money/estimate cost
  • I can check my change/receipt
  • I can behave appropriately in a shop

Hobbies Primary:
  • I have interests out of school
  • I do regular exercise
  • I can take part in a sport that I enjoy
  • I attend a club once a week
  • I can talk about hobbies that I am interested in
  • I know things to do where I live (e.g. shops and parks)
  • I can choose my own after school club activity and explain why

Personal Skills Primary:
  • I can wash under my arms without reminders
  • I wash my face every morning
  • I can wash my private parts without reminders
  • I can put deodorant on
  • I can brush my teeth for 2 minutes twice a day
  • I can brush my hair independently
  • I can put my shoes on the correct feet without help
  • I can use a toilet independently
  • I can get dressed independently